Handbooks The handbooks below provide information on various topics pertaining to Federal employee pay, leave, and work schedules. The focuses on workplace flexibilities and work-life programs available for an employee to use for elder care purposes. The identifies the many human resources flexibilities and authorities currently available to Federal agencies. The summarizes the many pay and leave benefits available to assist Federal agencies and employees who must cope with severe weather conditions or other emergency situations and their aftermath.
There is a better way All the hard work has been done for you. The template masters at the Employee Handbook Store started with an attorney-drafted document which and been reviewed and polished by HR professionals, and created the best employee handbook template on the market. Developed to comply with Virginia and federal labor laws, this template includes the policies used by 99% of all small businesses. So unless your business is extremely unusual, you found exactly what you are looking for! Formatted for Virginia. • Virginia-specific template - over 100 policy topics. • Easily customize with your company logo.
Then, continue to follow the remaining prompts until your DS Login account is created and activated. Now, log on to either or to generate your personalized handbook. What you Should Do With Your Old Handbook When you receive a new, replacement Handbook, we encourage Veterans to destroy their old handbook by cutting it up or shredding it, since the handbook contains personal information.
VA offers a Federal employee benefits package that's unmatched in the private sector. We also provide numerous incentives to inspire and reward our employees. Review the City of Waynesboro's employee handbook.
The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is committed to informing enrolled Veterans about VA health benefits and services they have earned and deserve. All new enrollees will receive a personalized Veterans Health Benefits Handbook, generally two weeks after enrollment has been confirmed. The handbooks are tailored specifically for each Veteran and provide detailed, updated information about the VA health care benefits the Veteran may be eligible to receive, such as medications, prosthetics and dental care. The handbook also provides answers to common questions, contact information for the Veteran's preferred facility, instructions on how to schedule appointments, information regarding the Affordable Care Act, the Veteran’s copay responsibilities, if any, and much more. An online version of the Handbook is available on the and sites, which provides enrolled Veterans the opportunity to view, print or save a copy of their personalized handbook.
The federal government's most widely used handbook of its kind. Written by our veteran team of experts, the 2017 Federal Employees Handbook contains the very latest critical information on your federal pay and benefits and workplace policies and will help you take full advantage of your opportunities and avoid costly mistakes.
The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is committed to informing enrolled Veterans about VA health benefits and services they have earned and deserve. All new enrollees will receive a personalized Veterans Health Benefits Handbook, generally two weeks after enrollment has been confirmed. The handbooks are tailored specifically for each Veteran and provide detailed, updated information about the VA health care benefits the Veteran may be eligible to receive, such as medications, prosthetics and dental care. The handbook also provides answers to common questions, contact information for the Veteran's preferred facility, instructions on how to schedule appointments, information regarding the Affordable Care Act, the Veteran’s copay responsibilities, if any, and much more. An online version of the Handbook is available on the and sites, which provides enrolled Veterans the opportunity to view, print or save a copy of their personalized handbook.
With the assistance of the Offices of Administration, Human Resources Management, Diversity and Inclusion, Resolution Management, and Labor-Management Relations, as well as the VA Learning University, Veterans Employment Service Office, and the Strategic Management Group, HR&A is responsible for directing both policy and operational functions in these program areas.
M21-1 Compensation and Pension Manual Rewrite The content found here may be out-of-date. The most recent content is available via KnowVA. - Introduction - Claimants' Rights and Responsibilities • - M21-1MR Part II was rescinded on September 17, 2012 and replaced by Benefits Assistance Service Procedures Manual, M27-1. Please see for current information and procedures.
• Acknowledgement form for employees to sign. • FREE Safety Manual template with over 30 topics. • FREE No-Compete & Non-Disclosure agreement.
HR&A scope and reach touches every member of the VA workforce: from hire to retire. Mission: Lead human capital management strategies, policies, and practices that cultivate an engaged, proficient, and diverse workforce to transform and continually improve services to Veterans and their families. Services Provided Behind every Veteran, wounded warrior, and family member receiving services, there is a family of VA employees dedicated to serving the community of Veterans. HR&A works on behalf of each of these employees and the reach of the office is felt by every employee and every recipient of service to Vets.
The Government automatically contributes 1 percent of your salary with additional matching contributions up to a total of 5 percent. Federal Retirement Plan: VA employees are covered by the Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS). FERS is a three-tier retirement plan composed of Social Security benefits, FERS basic benefits, and the (TSP). Similar to the 401(k) savings plans widely available in the private sector, the TSP allows employees to tax defer a portion of their income each year, subject to the requirements of the Internal Revenue Service. The Government automatically contributes 1 percent of your salary with additional matching contributions up to a total of 5 percent. If you will be age 50 or older during a given year, you may also contribute up to $6,000 in additional “catch-up” contributions if you expect to reach the $18,500 limit during that year.
Other policies provided in this template adhere to federal labor laws as well, which meet or exceed state laws*. Virginia small businesses will find, included in this template, policies for cell phones and texting, breaks, conduct, employee use of company vehicles, employee dress code, computer use, compensation, and nearly 100 other optional topics. Fastest & Easiest, Best VA Template Available! Logically organized for ease of use, topics are included for policies, procedures, employment standards, benefits, discipline and more. Many topics provide two to four options per topic (based on your preferences) for issues like smoking on company property. Developed by HR and management professionals, this template includes options that comply with federal and requirements. Printable or Save as PDF to post or email Print and distribute the handbook, or save it as a PDF which can be distributed via email or posted on the web for employees with access.
To change the order of display, click on the ascending or descending arrow by which you would like to sort.
The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is committed to informing enrolled Veterans about VA health benefits and services they have earned and deserve. All new enrollees will receive a personalized Veterans Health Benefits Handbook, generally two weeks after enrollment has been confirmed. The handbooks are tailored specifically for each Veteran and provide detailed, updated information about the VA health care benefits the Veteran may be eligible to receive, such as medications, prosthetics and dental care.
Enter your personal information and click Submit to confirm your identity. Then, continue to follow the remaining prompts until your DS Login account is created and activated. Now, log on to either or to generate your personalized handbook. What you Should Do With Your Old Handbook When you receive a new, replacement Handbook, we encourage Veterans to destroy their old handbook by cutting it up or shredding it, since the handbook contains personal information. For information about the Handbook or to request a replacement, contact us at 1-877-222-8387.
When printed, the product is set up to allow for 3-hole punching along the left side as well as punching or binding along the top. Information About VA Employment Department of Labor For answers to questions regarding employment law issues or and employee handbook requirements, contact: 13 South Thirteenth Street Richmond, Virginia 23219 804 371-2327 Leading Employers The VA employers listed here employ a significant number of the workers employed in Virginia. These firms typically offer written employee handbooks to their employees. Babcock & Wilcox Centra Health Chesterfield County Offices Colonial Williamsburg Foundation Defense Logistics Agency Dominion Retail Garda World Security George Mason University Heart & Vascular Institute Northrop Grumman Shipbuilding Office of Naval Research Philip Morris USA Property Control U VA Neurological Surgery University of Virginia University-Va Health Systems VCU Health System Vcu Help System Small businesses in Virginia, which make up large part of the workforce in the state, are also required by labor laws to have written policy made it available to all employees. Employers are also required to enforce these policies equally among all employees.
• Available In RTF (Rich Text Format). Comply With Virginia Requirements labor law complies primarily with federal labor laws, and has no special requirements for short-term disability leave beyond federal guidelines. The employee handbook template offered here includes language adhering to the federal requirements for short-term disability leave.
• Easily customize with your company logo. • Many topics have multiple options. • Easily edit, delete or add topics. • Acknowledgement form for employees to sign. • FREE Safety Manual template with over 30 topics. • FREE No-Compete & Non-Disclosure agreement.
The template masters at the Employee Handbook Store started with an attorney-drafted document which and been reviewed and polished by HR professionals, and created the best employee handbook template on the market. Developed to comply with Virginia and federal labor laws, this template includes the policies used by 99% of all small businesses. So unless your business is extremely unusual, you found exactly what you are looking for!
• FREE Drug Testing Policy and Consent Form. • Formatted in Microsoft Word for PC or Mac. • Available in PDF format. • Available in MS Works format. Invalid checksum after decoding window microsoft toolkit. • Available In RTF (Rich Text Format).