Hot Girl Wedgie Games

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This is when there is more than one person wedging the victim at any given time. A gang wedgie can include any type of wedgie (hanging, atomic, messy, ect) as long as there is at least a 2:1 giver:receiver ratio. Hanging Wedgie: A wedgie where the victim is high off the ground. ☀ Jet Ski Wedgie: The victim is given a dragging wedgie, but across the surface of water. Jock Lock Wedgie: The victim is given a wedgie with their feet pulled through the legholes of their underwear. Jock lock wedgie Messy Wedgie: Messy ingredients are placed in the victim's underwear (i.e. Whipped cream, syrup, etc.) and they are given a wedgie.

  1. Give A Wedgie Game
  2. Wedgie Game
  3. Wedgie Games For Boys

Slide Wedgie: When your victim is sitting at the top of a slide grab their underwear and push them down the slide. They won't get far if you keep a grip on their underwear. For fun you can pull them back up and push them back down again. If you think you can take it a step further, try tying a rope to the victim's underwear and then pushing them down. They'll be stuck halfway down the slide and if they manage to get off to the side they'll still have the rope attached to their underwear that will catch them as they fall.

In this sequel to Wedgie Toss, get revenge on Johnny Law. By giving him a wedgie of epic proportions!

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Give A Wedgie Game

Welcome to, largest gaming social community on the net. With over 20,000 games to play, you should never get bored again. We add new games like Girl Wedgie every day. Play games, rate them, post comments, add them to your favorites, share them and chat with other online gamers.


Squeaky Clean Wedgie: The victim is given a normal wedgie, then a melvin, this is repeated several times. Swirlie Wedgie: The victim is given a swirlie and a wedgie at the same time. Tarzan Wedgie: A leghole of the victim's underwear is pulled high enough so that it can be pulled over the shoulder. Uppercut Wedgie: Grab the victims's waistband and perform an uppercut while holding it in the hand you do the uppercut with.

Be careful not to squeeze your legs around their neck. Propeller Wedgie: A straight item (i.e. Broom, hockey stick, etc.) is put through the legholes. Then you twirl the item, the victim will quickly receive a wedgie. Utterly propeller wedgie Scarecrow Wedgie: A victim is wedgied and a stick is put through their legholes and shirt sleave holes and then hung on a hook or wall. Self Wedgie: A wedgie you give to yourself Shoulder Wedgie: The victim's underwear is pulled high enough so that the leg holes are able to go over the victim's shoulders.

Wedgie Game

Contents [] Variants A girl getting a shoulder wedgie in her yellow and animal print thong making her get a wedgie from all sides. There are uncountable variations of the regular wedgie, and this is a list of a few. All Around Wedgie: The victim's underwear is pulled up from all sides. Usually performed by at least two people. As seen in the picture.

Wedgie Games For Boys

How To for Girls: Sneak up to unsuspecting victim. Profit of the element of surprise. Win the fight! Play wrestle a little. It’s less play if the victim does not actually know what situation she actually is in. Don’t attempt to do it on a guy, unless you want to risk getting an atomic wedgie in return! Bottom Line: Wedgies are not only for guys!

Overalls Wedgie: The victim has overalls on, or is forced to put on overalls. The straps are made as tight as possible, then the victimm is hung by the overall straps to create any variant of hanging/dangling wedgies. Pantsing Wedgie: The victim is pantsed, and when they reach down to pick up their pants, give them a wedgie. Pile Driver Wedgie: The victim faces you and you put the victim's head between your legs. Reach forward and pull their underwear up their back. They'll get stuck, unable to move forward or move back.

Hanging Wedgie: A wedgie where the victim is high off the ground. ☀ Jet Ski Wedgie: The victim is given a dragging wedgie, but across the surface of water. Jock Lock Wedgie: The victim is given a wedgie with their feet pulled through the legholes of their underwear. Jock lock wedgie Messy Wedgie: Messy ingredients are placed in the victim's underwear (i.e. Whipped cream, syrup, etc.) and they are given a wedgie. Messy wedgie with whipped cream No Pants Wedgie: The victim is given a wedgie with no pants on, exposing their bare butt.

How hard was it? Do you do (or get) wedgies often or did it come as a surprize? Feel free to tell us the details, were all here to have fun. Perhaps your story inspires someone else tomorrow to get started with this prank or dare. That's if they like to get or give them more. Were you caught? If yes, did it get you in trouble?

This will give them a large wedgie, but be sure not to connect them with your uppercut. This cannot be done to yourself unless you are double-jointed.

Bra Connection Wedgie (Always on a Girl): Give the girl a wedgie, unhook her bra and rehook it through the leg holes of her underwear. Bouncing Wedgie: The victim is given a hanging wedgie then bounced around by it (ideally done on a trampoline, bouncy castle, or if the victim is on a space hopper; even when the victim is on a bed will help slightly). Chair Wedgie: When the victim is sitting in a chair with a back, give the victim a wedgie. Once the underwear is high enough hook it over the top of the back of the chair. Conga Wedgie: Stand behind your victim and hold onto their underwear, then have someone come up behind you and hold your underwear. Copy Wedgie: Pants the victim, bind their hands, and give them a wedgie. Once their butt is fully exposed, lift them onto a copy machine and start making copies of their butt.

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