Hello Jill Walker, I am a keeper & lover of old cars. So I has no idea it was nearly impossible to find fuse data on something as new as a '77 Dodge. I did go looking. (for FREE sites). Sorry (very good reasonably priced books below). Before you get too deep into fuse hunts I will tell you MY EXPERIENCE has been the most common failure of CRUISE CONTROLS of this vintage was the vacuum bellows used to open the throttle (would crack at the edge (easy to test: QUICKLY using an UNCONTROLLED vacuum line.
Έχει εξαπλή ρύθμιση ρεύματος φόρτισης, Ο εξοπλισμός εκκίνησης (100 Α/5 s) είναι εύκολος στη χρήση μέσω των τηλεχειριζόμενων καλωδίων (3 μέτρα μήκος),Στους 2 μεγάλους δείκτες μπορεί κανείς να δει το ρεύμα φόρτισης τη στιγμή εκείνη αλλά και την τάση φόρτισης. Έτσι ελέγχεται η διαδικασία φόρτισης. Οι δυνατές τσιμπίδες εγγυώνται την καλή επαφή με τους πόλους. Η συσκευή είναι εξοπλισμένη με ένα διπλό σύστημα υπερφόρτωσης των πόλων. Τάση ρεύματος 230 V / 50 H 2. Απόδοση φόρτισης: 6 V d.c.
= 1,0A-20 A arith. Premiere pro download torrent 32 bit. /1,6A-30 A eff.
Einhell BT-BC 15 Pdf User Manuals. View online or download Einhell BT-BC 15 Operating Instructions Manual. For this item a identical Part is available. Change to List-View to see the identical Part. Einhell WLGN 30/100 manuals I am looking for a service manual on an Einhell WLGN 30/100 battery charger - Cars & Trucks question. Einhell BT-BC 15 Pdf User Manuals. View online or download Einhell BT-BC 15 Operating Instructions Manual.
I can find no manual on line for the charger but the basic & most important things I can share with you. On the charger should be your On & Off switch, possibly 6 volts / 12 volts switch, (you want 12 Volt) some have a meter to show how much amp draw is taking place as it is charging and you'll have to determine that from observation. MOST important parts: It is best to disconnect the battery you are charging, at least the Negative post. This will speed up the charge process & prevent any mishaps with the electrical system on the vehicle.
The parts list is used to disassemble components. The internal diagrams make it possible to carry out repairs.
The manuals provided by supermanuals.com allow to install, use and repair with instructions, schematics, parts lists for the user and the technician.
Or vacuum test pump)), Professional grade SHOP MANUALS usually have decent wiring diagrams & schematics. But FACTORY (DEALER) MANUALS are the absolute best.!! At the bottom I will post an eBay link. Showing the WRONG YEAR. (only to give you and idea what you are looking for). Factory+workshop+manual+1977+dodge My '69 Charger ($29 new. In 1969) Jun 29, 2016 .
= 1,8A-14 A arith. / 3,0A-20 A eff. Kαλώδια εκκίνησης 100 A (5 sec). Για μπαταρίες μολύβδου από min 3 Ah μέχρι max400 Ah.
Τεχνικά Χαρακτηριστικά: Φορτιστής μπαταριών με μεγάλη απόδοση για το συνεργείο σας με διακόπτη αλλαγής τάσης ρεύματος 6 V/12 V/24 V. Κατάλληλο για το συνεργείο σας και τη γεωργία.
Also If you did not connect directly across the battery there could have been a fuse in the car that the current had to flow through that may have blown. There are quite often a few larger fuses or a fusible link near the battery. They are not always easy to find so look in a service manual or ring a VW workshop and ask where the main fuses are. It's a bit unlikely to have done any major damage I think. Jul 21, 2017 .
If the charger is connected the wrong way round then lots of current will flow and any fuse in the circuit will probably blow. If the battery charger has a fuse it is likely to have blown if there was a spark. It would then not be charging your battery. A low battery may not quite start the car.
Frozen inside=don't charge! The fumes from batteries charging are explosive & no sparks, or flames should be anywhere near. Upon reinstalling, Negative wire is always last to connect & be sure that everything inside as far as lights & ignition switch are off to prevent excessive sparking when you connect the final cable. Charging & connecting. I prefer to test unknowns such as the connecting cables to make sure they are what they say they are.
This will prevent sparks near the battery. Be sure to turn off the charger once charging is completed, then disconnect the cables from the battery. The unit you are charging with should give you some indication about when you're charged 100%, but these are the basics of charging a low battery. If by chance your charger shuts down on you & stops charging immediately, you either have the terminals reversed, or a shorted battery. Good luck Feb 06, 2010 .
BRAND + MODEL + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Download EINHELL EURO ISG 1000 Schematics German You can easily download the above official manual which contains important information for your equipement. The electronic PDF format can be read on any device. Your email This email must be valid. Download > EINHELL EURO ISG 1000 Schematics - German - 12 Pages EUR 12.99 Instant download with Paypal > The manuals provided by supermanuals.com are digital documents in pdf format. The operating instructions make it possible to use the appliance better. The installation manual is required at the time of receipt for commissioning. The service manual describes the repair procedures.
Battery Chargers Voltage Type 10.561.00 AFN 5 AFNM.231.10 (no picture, same design as AFN) Power (A) arithm. 5 Boost Used for Batteries 16-80 Ah 20 Ah (Car) 3,7 Ah (Moto) 26-200 Ah 100 A (5') 3-400 Ah 13, Weight (kg) 2, 'Cont. 4800 X X X 8 (Car) 5,6 (Car) 0,55 (Moto) 0,85 (Moto) 4,6 (Car) 0,8 (Moto),7-21 X X 1,0-,8-,,4 X 5,4 X 4,7 quick charge 2,3 6,5 (Car) 1,2 (moto),9-,6-,0- 6, 10.567.781.00 AFN 12 X WLGN 30/100 X 3,5 10.508.50 AFEN 10 X X 5-200 Ah min. 20 10 42 34 13 3,0 normal charge 10.750.20 WLGN 15 X X 6,3 10,,4 X X 6,8 automatic Pos. N: 10.031.20 WLGN 22 E Pos.
I prefer the battery completely removed & placed on an insulated material, plastic, wood, rubber, to prevent battery drain by sitting on concrete or the ground. If you can check the battery first for swelling/cracked case=don't charge!
=0,7 A -21 A arith. / 0,9A-30 A eff.
You need a multimeter for this but for now, I am expecting they are marked properly for this instruction. You need a Positive clamp, this one usually has Red handles, to connect to the Positive terminal of the battery (marked POS or +) The other cable, generally Black, connects to the Negative terminal (marked NEG or - ) and provides the ground to complete the circuit. Make sure connections from the charger to the battery are all clean & well attached, then turn ON the charger.
S: 4, normal 5-300 Ah 7, 6,,5.